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Why Livinism? We are a retail & restaurant design firm with offices in Hong Kong and Bangkok, Thailand. We are dedicated to creating exciting, playful and functional design which further enhance your customer's experience & thus more engaged with your brands. Our expertise includes restaurant design, retail space planning and consumer product branding.
從事廣告業多年, 深明客戶的需要, 無論廣泛地或針對性地做廣告宣傳, 目的都要得到成效. 所以, 從網頁設計, 招牌, 燈箱廣告, 互聯網廣告宣傳, 怎至的士, 紅色小巴, 綠色(專線)小巴廣告都一應俱全. 我們先了解你的需要, 制訂有效方案, 再相討, 然後落實, 廣告刋出後, 隨即跟進效益, 務求將你的廣告達到最佳效果.
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